Memories of Provence-Part 6

The quilting is complete. Hurrah!!! This post looks at the final borders and the center.

For the checkerboard border, I just couldn’t make myself quilt each little 3/4″ square. So I treated the border as 2 four patches on the diagonal and quilted line dancing. I also quilted line dancing in each triangle.  The last border has piano keys. Easy and I like how I can slightly adjust the edge of the quilt when trimming.

It makes an interesting diamond pattern on the back.

Other than the background quilting, I left the center quilting until the end. I like to repeat motifs and I wasn’t sure what I would quilt. So the center square is quilted with line dancing, sid, and leaf feather.  

The feather star has feathers and point to point straight line quilting.

  I repeated the leaf feather in the applique and of course, the flower center begged for pebbles. The large leaves needed veins.


Line dancing was repeated in the baskets.

The quilt draped over my Longarm.

Well, it’s done. Always a relief to get to the end but always a pleasure to see it hanging at various venues. Guess I’ll have to buy a bunch of tickets and see if I can win it back. Sure would look good on my bed!

Thanks for stopping by.


Friend’s William Morris Quilt Wins

Ellene’s Billy’s Bluebirds won third place in the Wall Hanging category at the MidAtlantic Quilt Festival!!! Ellene, Joan and I went to the quilt show and were so excited to see her quilt hanging there with that bright yellow ribbon. Her quilt is such a beautiful piece. When people realized the quilter was standing there, they started asking her, “How did you do that.” Her work is awesome.


Thanks for stopping by.


Customer Quilt Show

It has been crazy around here.  You would think that since I don’t “work” I would have lots of time.  Not really.  I’m busy from the time I get up in the morning until I go to bed and I’m still not spending as much time cleaning the house as I should (not that it’s going to change).

These customer quilts were finished 2-3 months ago.

Susan’s quilt (maybe her first but not sure) – pantograph

Jean’s Tumbling Blocks Quilt with Ebb and Flow Pantograph

Marilyn’s Christmas Applique Quilt – she will add beads to some of the blocks to finish them. Some of the fabrics were fuzzy.  Border is quilted with swags but it’s difficult to see.

Santa with fuzzy bear and curls in his beard.

McTavishing in background

and in the center of the horn.  First time I’ve used the ribbon meander and I love it.

Vicki’s Tablecloth

I used a stencil for some of the blocks and then did a feather meander around them.

Nancy K’s baby quilt with a feather meander.

That’s all for today.  Hopefully I’ll get more of the photos cropped and ready to post.

Still piecing my own quilt for our Guild quilt show.  Now I’m working on the 72  6 inch sawtooth stars.  I must get finished by the end of June so I have time to quilt it.  I’d like to add additional borders to make it large enough for my bed, but we’ll see.

Thanks for stopping by.


Love Dr Seuss – Brightens My Day

The first part of the title is LOVE.

This “Quilt of Love” was made by the Sandhills Quilters Guild. It was given to a Guild member this past week because her husband passed away. It’s how our Guild shows that our members care about each other.

Blocks made by members of the Guild. Quilted by my friend, Jackie. The hearts in the middle of the heart block are perfect.


Dr. Seuss is next – rather a Dr. Seuss character called Lorax. I’m not familiar with him but I love this quilt anyway. The alternate blocks really set off the preprinted blocks. Would love to make it for grandchildren. You can purchase the kit (or fabric and pattern) from Linderella’s. Quilted with bubbles pantograph. I love how playful it looks.

The last quilt is springy and comforting, really brightens my day. Betty had leftover Moda squares and some magnolia fabric. She very cleverly combined them in this simple row quilt. The setting is so effective for these fabrics. Quilted using Anne Bright pattern called “blooming “feathers.”



Thanks for stopping by.


Bloggers Quilt Festival-Fall 2011

It’s always so much fun to look at all the quilts posted in the Bloggers Quilt Festival.  This year I thought I would post a quilt of mine.

This is a linen, wholecloth quilt.  I learned how to make this kind of quilt from a class by Cindy Needham.  The bridge tablecloth had embroidery on it so I design the quilting to enhance the embroidery.  I stitched it to a lovely piece of blue fabric and then quilted it.  I wanted it to have a pretty name and my husband suggested his grandmother’s name, Anna LaFrance.  The label is an old cocktail napkin and has a picture of her.  The hanging sleeve is a piece of lace.

This was the first quilt I’ve done of this type.  It was a trial run before I do a tablecloth that my Mom cross stitched.  I didn’t want to start with hers because I was so afraid I would ruin it.  Now I have the confidence to quilt her tablecloth.  It will be wonderful to be able to have something Mom made to snuggle in.

The Bloggers Quilt Festival can be found here


If you need a longarm quilter, please don’t hesitate to contact me through the comments section.

Thanks for stopping by.


Customer Quilt Show

Just a small quilt show of some recent customer quilts.

Barbara’s Batik Stars with Frisky Feathers Pantograph.  I love how these stars float.

Marian’s Snail Trail.  That might be Rosie Pantograph.

Marilyn’s Baby Pinwheels with Popcorn Pantograph using Sew Fine Thread.



Sandy’s Modern Blue/Grey Quilt with Bayside Pantograph

Vicky’s Bookcase quilt was a Round Robin that some friends made for her.  Custom quilting-feathers, flower background fill, wood meander, sid.

And Vicky’s Bird Quilt which has some embroidered blocks.

Pantograph in the center with custom in the border.

I love it when a customer picks up a quilt and I see delight in their eyes.  It makes my job so rewarding.

Thanks for stopping by.


Wholecloth Linen Quilt-Anna LaFrance

My quilt, Anna LaFrance, is actually a small tablecloth which has been sewn to the blue fabric and quilted on my longarm.  I learn this technique from Cindy Needham,, while attending MQX several years ago.  It’s taken me all this time to finally try what I learned in Cindy’s class.  Now I’m knocking myself in the head wondering why I waited so long.  I absolutely love the result.  I have always appreciated the old beautiful linens but they just sit in my linen closet or in boxes in the attic.  Now they can come out of hiding and I can enjoy them everyday.  BTW, Cindy in an awesome teacher.  If you have an opportunity to take a class from her, do it!

I used parts of a stencil by Cindy, freehand feathers and crosshatching.  The motif and feathers are quilted in a light blue Sew Fine thread while the crosshatching and very small stippling is in off white Sew Fine thread.  There are two layers of batting, Hobbs 80/20 with Quilters Dream Wool on top.

It’s named after my husband’s grandmother.  She has such a pretty name.  The label is an old napkin (????), a set of which were given to me when I was a child.  That is a story for another day.  Of course, I had to put a picture of Anna on the label.  The sleeve is a piece of lace.

I can’t wait to try another one.  Maybe the next one will have beads on it.

Thanks for stopping by to visit.


Spring Floral is My UFO for April

It’s appropriate that the number drawn for Judy’s UFO Challenge for April was a Comfort (nursing home) quilt which is in springy pink floral fabrics that I needed to finish.  Fabrics were leftovers from another quilt.  I talked to a long time friend of Mom’s and she told me of a lady who knew Mom who just had her second leg amputated.  She was delighted to receive the quilt and asked that her blanket be removed and the quilt put on her instead.

I used Hobbs 80/20 batting and the pantograph Tea Rose.

Surprisingly, I actually finish this quilt before the last day of the month.  Had it ready to go the 3rd week.  That’s a first for me for this challenge.  Can’t wait to see what May’s number will be.  I am so enjoying getting unfinished projects that have been hanging over my head finished.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a beautiful day.


Projects On My Table

I haven’t started and finished anything recently because I’ve been so busy working on a number of different things at the same time.

I was busy working on this:

Which looks like this right now.

When I realized that I need to finish this wholecloth linen quilt by next weekend.

All those blue markings are from the washout blue pen I used to draw a feather quilting design.  So far I have stitched the tablecloth to the blue fabric and stitched around each part of the embroidery motifs.  Now I need to quilt the freehand quilting designs.  I have figured out what to put in the corners which will extend almost to the center of the sides, but haven’t figured out how to connect them and what to quilt in the large open area.  I certainly have my work cut out for me this next week.

For my applique project, I doing the BOM from One Piece At A Time.  I had a group of hand dyed sateen fabric lounging in my stash for the past 3 years.  Just didn’t know what to do with them.  Then I saw Erin’s applique design and loved it.  I’m a month behind right now, but who knows, perhaps I’ll get caught up.  Here’s block #2.  I finished block #1 but the picture is blurry and I must take it again.

This hasn’t been pressed, trimmed or the eyes added to the birds.

Thanks for stopping by.
